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What is Video Modelling-Good teaching practices in teaching autistic children. Use as many strategie

When discussing best teaching practices in autism, we know that many autistic children learn by repetition and have excellent visual skills. All children learn through modelling and this is especially true of children with autism. Video modelling developed to provide another strategy that teachers can use in their everyday practices.

Whenever I make something in art, I usually model it first, then provide the necessary supports for each child e.g. a visual schedule to follow, some of the activity partly done, sentences to paste next to correct picture or in correct order of procedure etc.

I also model music activities, maths. activities and skills, play skills, correct speech patterns, reading aloud, and so it goes...............

Children with autism need modelling and it may need to be repeated a number of times. Video modelling helps provide modelling of many skills and helps children become successful in a variety of skills which are practised over a time until they become familliar. It may be used to teach children how to wash their hands, play a particuar imaginative game or how to greet people. You can buy commercial products, find something on youtube or make your own video with team members.

Watching videos of play can teach autistic students how to play with a particular toy. Follow up with a 1:1 play session.

Videos can teach children how to turn take when doing construction activities. You can also find or make videos on how to use the toilet, how to wash your hands, how to travel on public transport, movement and actions to music and how to play specific games.

I think the value of video modelling is: the videos can be highy motivating and the children need to generalise skills and it becomes another means of them accessing skills.

I recommend Chatter Blocks videos to engage autistic chidren in the classroom program. Look for Chatter Blocks Videos for Kids with Autism. They are great and very engaging. You can incude communication skills, such a pictures for positional language and different actions, and turn taking for talking and singing. A favourite of mine is

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