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So many teachers interested in effective teaching in autism-what to do and how to do it well.

Today , I would just like to thank all the people who have shown the interest to read my blog about how to teach students with autism effectively ie. #how to teach the way they learn. I am overwhelmed with the response as I am a beginner and less than a month ago, I felt quite overwhelmed with the thought of starting something so different to what I was used to doing ie teaching. Who knew how to build a website with all the technical stuff that goes with it????

However, you will never know EVERYTHING! The fear that you don't know enough can paralyze you- and I have seen and heard it in my students and their parents. And I still don't understand everything about SEO to drive traffic, widgets, etc. but I am more confident now than one month ago. So I guess there is a lesson there for those of you who are reading my blog to learn how to teach students with autism and how to overcome the challenges you face daily.

How to manage autism classrooms for the new teacher.

Thank you to those who subscribed.

I will pass on this link as I am very impressed with the website.

Google :

Her photos on classroom set up and organisation are brilliant.

Enjoy your weekend


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